Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hole in my pot

I used to have a rice cooker. But after having used it for 8 years it finally broke. Well, not because I had used it for 8 years, but because I accidentally put in the wrong amount of water and it overflowed and bubbled up, ruining its digital system for good. Since this tragedy, I had been using the good old method of making rice in pots. Today I went to make some Wild Basmati Rice mix in this pot that is also 8 years old. It was one of two pots I had bought when I started college. Not a great pot by any means, but something cheap that did its job. The bottom of the pot had been burnt and scrubbed clean countless times, and the silver metal was surfacing from under the original black coating. I knew it was time for a new pot. Afterall, this was a college dorm pot. Not something that a 27 year old who actually enjoys cooking should be using. I had been dreaming of getting this other pot for a while now, and thinking I'd perhaps make this a Christmas gift to myself.

As I cooked my rice and daydreamed about my soon-to-be pot, I noticed that some water was dripping onto the stovetop. Oops, I'd better lower the flame. No wait, but it's not overflowing. But there's water dripping onto the flames...

It was then that I realized that my 8 year old pot had a hole in it. A hole in my metal pot. I couldn't believe it, but then again, I could. I had gotten more uses out of that pot than it's lifetime. A pot with a hole at the bottom is a useless one indeed, but then I got started on thinking about the good times we had together. The wonderful dishes we made. Oh the joy of cooking!

I know I have to throw it away, but it will be hard to say good bye.

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