Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Gardening: Day 3

Ok, so Day 3. I don't have a photo of my seedlings because nothing has happened yet. I'm impatient so I always assume it's not going to happen when I don't see any sprouting action in the first couple of days, but it says it will take about a week to two weeks on the seed packet. Patience, patience. Instead I am going to post some photos of the rest of the garden.

Three different lavenders. The last one is supposedly French Lavender.

Mint and Aloe.


The Lily that Lived

Damn you, palm trees!!

The embarassing reality of our backyard


Anonymous said...

I really got into gardening when I was taking botany at the college. My interest waned after my plant died months after the class ended ;_;

I'm sure later in life I'll get back into it again because I still remember everything I learned. I keep it my obligation to keep the remaining plants in the house alive to supplement my guilt.

miso said...

Botany class sounds like fun. I've killed so many plants but I still have that dream of a nice garden...

Anonymous said...

We are all up ins and reading your blog.

You guys need a lawnmower or a goat.

miso said...

I totally looked into hiring a goat one time! I think we do have a lawnmower, but thye rusty, old school hand pushing kind.