Saturday, April 11, 2009

Birthday Weekend

Yesterday was my 30th birthday. Thirty!! It was funny how everyone who was older than 30 kept telling me how awesome your thirties are. I believe it though. I felt really blessed that I was able to spend yesterday with so many good friends.

William got me some beautiful roses. I arranged them in my round vase. Very spring time colors.

Another Sketchbook Pro drawing.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Monotone Floral Pattern

This is a pattern I did a few years ago. Drawn by hand, vectorized in Illustrator. Repeat pattern created in Illustrator. I love looking at patterns, but I also like making them too. They are almost like a puzzle, and I get a sense of satisfaction when I am able to create a nice pattern.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sexy Girl Repeat

On Friday I stumbled upon a blog called A Print a Day. Awesome. I love prints and patterns. (I also love Print & Pattern.) She makes patterns and kits for downloading, and it really inspired me that she was creating all these designs almost everyday. It inspired me, so here is my first pattern for this blog. Not much of a pattern, but I will post some more in days to come...